Have you experienced or heard about undesirable behavior in a student sports team?
The Norwegian Student Sports Confederation uses the digital portal "Mitt Varsel" to process whistleblowing cases. The portal is a secure tool that safeguards privacy and anonymity if desired. Click on the link below to report unwanted behavior.
Clarification of terms
Discrimination is actions that directly or indirectly lead to unequal treatment on the basis of a person’s gender, disability, ethnicity, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or other grounds for discrimination.
Racism is discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, descent, skin color or similar.
It is the consequence of the action that determines whether it is discriminatory or racist, not the motive behind the action.
Sexual harassment and abuse: Sexual harassment means unwelcome sexual attention that is distressing to the person on whom the attention is directed.
Sexual assault means deceiving or forcing another person to engage in sexual activity that he or she does not want or is not developmentally able to consent to.
Violence and threats are defined in the Penal Code, and these definitions also form the basis for the understanding of what is punishable under sports legislation and regulations.
Violence can be defined as “any act directed at another person that harms, hurts, frightens or offends, causes that person to do something against his or her will or to stop doing something he or she wants”.
More information
Notification procedures
Har du ansvar i organisasjonen, og har fått informasjon om diskriminering og/eller annen uønsket atferd?
- Help the person who has experienced the incident
- Contact the police if you know or are unsure whether a crime has been committed
- Make sure that the case is handled in the association / organizational member by reporting the case in “My notification” in the link at the top of the page.
Hva skal forbundet gjøre når det blir varslet om diskriminering og uønsket atferd?
- The union will take all reports seriously
- Reports of discrimination and unwanted behavior, including racism, violence, threats, sexual harassment and abuse must be reported in My Alert, and are then handled by appointed case officers, Atle Rolstadaas, Amalie Skavnes and Sofus Rasmussen.
Sofus Rasmussen
My notification
The Norwegian Student Sports Confederation recommends that all student sports teams use Mitt Varsel as a notification channel.
The portal is free of charge and designed to simplify reporting and processing in sports teams.
Both NSI and the Norwegian Sports Confederation can help you use the portal. READ MORE AND USE MY NOTIFICATION HERE
NSI’s own guide
NSI has prepared a separate guide to make it easier to report all forms of discrimination and unwanted behavior, including racism, violence, threats, sexual harassment and abuse.
NSI’s guide is aimed at three target groups:
- Individuals who have experienced discrimination and/or unwanted behavior in a sports context
- Individuals who know about or suspect discrimination and/or unwanted behavior in a sports context
- Sports teams and persons in positions of responsibility in sports who have become aware of cases/suspicions/accusations of discrimination and/or unwanted behavior